Turning Back to the Light
This deep dark time of the year brings inner reflection and time to gather with friends and family. This older (but quite popular!) article from Fast Company about personal mission statements, combined with a friend’s observation that it really takes 18 months to know if you’ve found a home, made me consider how to create a statement of purpose for myself. For me, its not about having a fancy brand- it’s more about a credo. Words to live by when the going gets tough. An aspiration for my best self.
William Arruda, author of Ditch, Dare, Do: 3D Personal Branding for Executives, says it comes down to three simple things: The value you create + who you’re creating it for + the expected outcome. He says that the most important are your values: the things that excite and energize you. Looking inward, projecting outward. It’s a great metaphor for solstice.